Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Who's Your Alter Ego?

So So Sorry!

I know it's been a minute. More like weeks. But your girl been busy. No I haven't worked on the book until now but my magazine had me crazy busy and I had to make some adjustments that took all of my attention. Not to mention I'm a mommy and my lil one takes up all my time with her little endeavors so yes I've been busy. But I'm working on it right now.

I'm going through the "Almond Eyes Diva vs. Dominique" Category and ooohhh is it HOT!! lol I'm still in my Usher moment. Something about him takes me to a special place with my writing so I'm listening to him and only him...for special reasons :)

Anyway, let's see what's new?

I'm in an online journal group. I try to post everyday but it's hard.
My website was updated!
Ok remember the Dirty Sexy Chronicles? Well I'm collabing with Darryl Mims and we are working on the book for that series. The ebook for the series will be available soon. The actual book for the continued series will be out this year sometime maybe beginning next year. Details are coming soon!!

So that's about it for me.

This Almond Eyes Diva category truly allows me to be who I really am. After going back through it I see so much of me. So I have a new question for you. Please answer it on my site. "Who is your alter ego? What's their name and explain their status."

Go to and leave your message. I'd truly enjoy hearing from you!