What would I do without you
My Boo
As Alicia Keys and Usher melt away my worries
Plugged in
I'm en-
ticed in your flow
and every three minutes I'm wanting mo'
I've shut out the world
My house
quiet as a mouse
Except for Mary J.
that plays
Love No Limit
I'm so deep in it
and Oh here comes T.I.
my husband in another life
telling me I can have Whatever I Like
and as Usher creeps in with There Goes My Baby
I'm thinking of "him" and maybe....
But before I get a clear thought of where the flutters of my heart take me
Here comes a little Jodeci
What About Us
Cry For You
Come and Talk to Me
Forever My Lady
The things those songs do to me
and after hours of being plugged in
my memories of way back when
have come pouring in
and I've written about ten poems